Типы полей Xbase #298638

#0 by Goruch
ДобавитьПоле(<Название>,<Тип>,<Длина>,<Точность>) Интересует поле <Тип> какие типы тут бывают и их идентификаторы?
#1 by sapphire
Те, какие описаны в формате dBase:
#2 by Goruch
Storage of dBASE Data Types Except for autoincrement fields, all types are initialized to binary zeroes. In addition, any fields which have been assigned a default property will contain the default value.   Symbol Data Type Description B Binary, a string 10 digits representing a .DBT block number. The number is stored as a string, right justified and padded with blanks. C Character All OEM code page characters - padded with blanks to the width of the field. D Date 8 bytes - date stored as a string in the format YYYYMMDD. N Numeric Number stored as a string, right justified, and padded with blanks to the width of the field.   L Logical 1 byte - initialized to 0x20 (space) otherwise T or F. M Memo, a string 10 digits (bytes) representing a .DBT block number. The number is stored as a string, right justified and padded with blanks. @ Timestamp 8 bytes - two longs, first for date, second for time.  The date is the number of days since  01/01/4713 BC. Time is hours * 3600000L + minutes * 60000L + Seconds * 1000L I Long 4 bytes. Leftmost bit used to indicate sign, 0 negative. + Autoincrement Same as a Long F Float Number stored as a string, right justified, and padded with blanks to the width of the field.   O Double 8 bytes - no conversions, stored as a double. G OLE 10 digits (bytes) representing a .DBT block number. The number is stored as a string, right justified and padded with blanks.
#3 by Goruch
#4 by Салки
#5 by sapphire
уже ответили :)
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